Love. Friendship. Truth.
It’s you and your friends helping fight against cancer, caring for your community in your own way.
Phi Beta Psi is not just another club. It is a fun-loving group of women working together to raise money for cancer research programs.
Changing the world is possible. We’re starting right here in Tipton.
Although Tipton may be small, we’re definitely mighty! Between selling out tickets for Bags & Bingo and having lines out the door for our annual Holiday Boutique, this town knows how to SHOW UP and support our cause.
We can only hope to continue making a difference with the money we raise, locally and on a larger scale. Want to know more about our organization? Click below.
Interested in joining us?
Whether you’re looking for a place to fit in and give back in the Tipton community or you have a personal reason for wanting to join the fight against cancer, Phi Beta Psi offers you a place to find your purpose. Join us in Phi Bete love, friendship and truth.

“Cancer is messy and scary. You throw everything at it,
but don’t forget to throw love at it. It turns out that might
be the best weapon of all.”
— Regina Brett, Author